
DPI Annual Meeting

28 November 2012

On 13 and 14 November DPI organised its Annual Meeting, this year with the theme Polymers D Light: shedding our lights on polymers. More than 130 DPI members attended the event.

During the first day of the meeting several junior and senior speakers gave their vision on the latest trends in the use of polymer materials in their own disciplines.

The junior speakers were:
Nicole Franssen - PostDoc at the University of Amsterdam
Ronald Otten - Design Engineer at ASML
Alexander Kühne - Group leader at DWI, RWTH Aachen University

Senior speakers were:
Christoph Weder - Chair of Polymer Chemistry and Materials at the University of Fribourg
Thijs Michels - Emeritus Professor TU Eindhoven
Sir Richard Friend - Cavendish Professor at the University of Cambridge

The three nominees for the Golden Thesis Award; Marc Lemmers, Ronald Otten and Mark-Jan Spijkman gave short presentations about their completed PhD research during the afternoon. Afterwards the jury chose Ronald Otten as winner of the Golden Thesis Award 2012

During the breaks of the programme on 13 November DPI researchers were given the opportunity to present their research in the form of a scientific poster. The three best posters were awarded during the conference diner; first prize went to Anke Teichler, the second prize to Diego Wever and the third prize was granted to Wenshan Zhang.

The DPI Certificates of Inventions were granted to twenty researchers during the conference diner. These twenty researchers filed a patent application in the academic year 2011-2012.

The second day of the DPI Annual Meeting was organised by our partner organisation DPI Value Centre and was structured around the theme The art of connecting. This day was attended by 130 participants, amongst them were DPI researchers, partners of DPI Value Centre and others interested in innovation in polymers.

Prior to the Annual Meeting the Young DPI day was organised for researchers who started recently on a DPI project. They were given practical information about DPI and got the chance to connect with each other during a creative session on ‘Building Bridges'.

The pictures taken at the Young DPI day and Annual Meeting can be found on the DPI intranet.
