
Bio-based workshop: innovation gap

8 November 2010

On 12 October the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI) has organised a workshop on Biobased Polymers, where companies from both the supply side and the demand side have been brought together.

Several lectures have been given by companies that are leading in their market sector, such as packaging, automotive, personal care, domestic appliances and building & construction. It became crystal-clear that a big innovation gap exists between supply and demand. The workshop aimed at finding leads in order to bridge this gap to speed up innovation and bring biobased products faster to the market. Main research lines have been identified in order to meet future consumer demands. Each market sector is facing not only specific, but common challenges as well. From the meeting it became evident that there was a real sense of urgency.  As a result DPI will set-up an ambitious research programme in which companies will define industrial relevant themes in close partnership with universities. In doing so excellent academic research on biobased polymers and materials will lead to real solutions to be implemented by end users.    


If you have interest in joining the research programme on biobased polymers you are kindly invited to contact us.


Peter Nossin

Carsten Starke

Christiaan Bolck

Cornelis Mijnders

Gert-Jan Hof

Ivan Rodriguez

Sepas Setayesh
