
Golden Thesis Award 2009 granted to Casper van Oosten

27 November 2009

At this year's Annual Meeting, held in Eindhoven, the Golden Thesis Award was granted to Casper van Oosten. His thesis entitled "Responsive Liquid Crystal Networks" was chosen by the jury as the absolute winner, out of 14 nominees. In the eyes of the jury it met the requirements of a perfect DPI thesis in all respects. The presentation only confirmed this.

The other two nominees, Edsger Smits and Joris Sprakel, were also very strong candidates, and it was in fact a close finish. They both wrote an outstanding thesis. Edsger Smit's thesis is entitled "Ambipolar and self-assembled organic electronics" and Joris Sprakel's thesis is entitled "Physics of Associative Polymers; Bridging Time and Length Scales".
