
New scientific chairman Performance Polymers

10 March 2011

It is our pleasure to announce, on behalf of the DPI Executive Board, that we have appointed prof. Costantino Creton (ESPCI Paris) as the new Scientific Chairman for the area Performance Polymers.

Prof. Creton graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale of Lausanne (Switzerland) in 1985 and did a PhD at Cornell University NY. After postdoctoral research in the US he joined ESPCI, where he became research director in 2001. His research interests cover the mechanical properties of polymer materials, interfaces, and fracture. He received several prizes (e.g., Prix Dedale, Wake Medal, J. Polymer Physics award 2008) for his work on adhesion and is generally seen as a leading scientist in the area. We are proud that he has taken up the challenge to lead our Performance Polymers Area in the years to come.

The chairmanship will be handed over in June when the leaving chairmen, prof. Noordermeer and mr Van den Hof, will step down. We shall pay attention to their contribution at that moment, but for now we take this opportunity to thank them for the work they have done for DPI over the years.
