
Looking back on the DPI Annual Meeting 2020

Looking back on the DPI Annual Meeting 2020

17 November 2020

On Tuesday 27 October DPI organised the first hybrid DPI Annual Meeting, with “Inspiring Polymers” as central theme. More than 130 participants, the majority online, attended the meeting.

Jacques Joosten, former DPI Managing Director and current Chair of the DPI Supervisory Board, chaired the meeting at the venue. Our new Managing Director Ernst Jan van Klinken attended online and presented himself and the updated DPI strategy. He also thanked Vincenzo Busico for the many years of service as Scientific Chair of the DPI Polyolefins Programme and welcomed Bernhard Rieger (Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry TU Munich) as Vincenzo’s successor.

The presentation of Ernst Jan van Klinken was followed by the DPI Golden Thesis Award 2020. Three nominees presented their work in a 10-minute presentation: Leonardo Sian and Simone Hendikse online and Hanne van der Kooij live at the venue, the Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven. After the presentations the jury consisting of Rein Borggreve (Chair, former VP Research & Technology DSM Engineering Materials), Costantino Creton (Scientific Chair DPI Performance Polymers & VP Research of ESPCI Paris) and Vincenzo Busico, unanimously granted the award to the winner: Hanne van der Kooij for her work in the thesis “Let there be light: quantitative imaging of nanoscale dynamics in polymer materials”.

After the coffee break High Performance Mastermind Paul Rulkens gave us tips and tricks on “how the best get better” and Bernhard Rieger inspired us all with the key-note lecture about Inspiring Polymers.




Presentation Ernst Jan van Klinken

Presentation Simone Hendrikse

Presentation Hanne van der Kooij

Presentation Leonardo Sian

Hand out Paul Rulkens (will be available shortly)

Presentation Bernhard Rieger (DPI Community only)
